Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Today, day #...? I have completely lost track. I looked at the calendar today...we are almost at June. REALLY?? All I remember is, we were talking about some virus...then March hit...we talked more about this virus...and now its almost June! We had snow in May and we have had (currently) a heat way of over 90 degrees - in the same month!! Is this related to the virus?? LOL...

I have nothing of value to write today. I have no thoughts that will lift your spirits and allow you to soar. I simply want to commit to the writing process. I actually find this soothing. Putting ideas onto (virtual) paper...and allowing others to read it. Scary and soothing.

We often allow ourselves to NOT do something because we fear the outcome. We fear the vulnerability. We assume the outcome, we then allow that to squash our creativity and we stop! I have done it many times...I don't want to do it anymore. SO...I continue the process of putting myself out there. I will continue to dream, speak, shout and whisper on this blog...while we are putting together the NEW Kevin Pauls.

I am getting ready to change a few things...I have mentioned this before. I need to re-Brand myself...there is a re-Boot coming...A new expression of the creativity I have in my head. I want to express my thoughts...on faith, on music and on the current situation in the world. I want real conversations to be at the forefront. Not hiding my ideas because some may not agree...I am ready and willing to express them loudly. I know a lot of people that do NOT do a lot of things because they are afraid...I AM DONE! Fear will not be the reason anymore. I find when we speak what is true to us, when we speak what we feel, when we speak with clarity...people respond. I can't believe some of the things I have shared...thinking "nobody will care...but it's good for me to talk about" - I find out that people do care...People are looking to talk about their hurts, their fears...their ideas that may be a little different - but they have held back because of fear.

So...I will continue on this journey...I am cautiously optimistic about the future...about the re-Boot...I am excited to share my spiritual, emotional, and musical journey with you...and hopefully with a whole bunch of new friends...

The re-Boot - coming your way...this fall!! (there I said it!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quarantine Blues?

Well here we are, in the middle of a quarantine. We are hiding out from a virus that we can't see. It kind of feels like we are running from the imaginary "boogie-man". But unfortunately, even though we can't see it, it appears to be doing it's deadly job clear around the world...people are getting sick, very sick...some...far too many, are dying! WOW - that got real...real quick! The world economy is taking a very big beating! People are losing their jobs, people are afraid, uncertainty is the norm, and we are all sitting back wondering what "normal" will look like...or if there will be a normal.

For me...someone that has made my living from being in front of people, everything has stopped. EVERYTHING. There is discussion that no concerts, or gatherings of any kind...will happen for the remainder of 2020...maybe into 2021...REALLY?? So, my musician friends, my speakers friends, my pastor friends...and those who lecture, those who put on events, those who teach...thats a lot of people...WHAT DOES THIS NEW NORMAL LOOK LIKE??? I have no idea...Restaurants are closing, Cruise Ships may never sail again, Airline Companies are going under...its hard to think of an industry not being decimated during these times...well - except the toilet paper industry (WOW - they hit the jackpot!) the midst of all this negativity - how do we respond? What do we do? I don't have answers for you, I just want to simply tell you how I am looking at things. I am not the perfect example FOR SURE...But, its helpful for me to walk through this process out loud. If my process can help ignite a passion or a direction in you then wonderful. But, one thing is certain, we cannot come out of this "craziness" the same as we went into it.

As I stare into a completely blank calendar for the remainder of 2020...I have a couple of options. I can rob a bank - that can be a quick fix...potentially severe consequences, so ... maybe I will not go in that direction. I can try and book churches and theatres and sell tickets - oh yeah...not allowed to do that...I can sing for free streaming (been doing this) - fun and will keep doing this but that is not an immediate revenue option. QUICK NOTE: Yes, musicians have bills that need to be paid! #funfact OR I can give up music all together! I can take this "pause" as a hint from god...and finally give my family what they need...stability!! JUST STOP SINGING!!

But - what if I did none of the above...What if I took this time to completely re-brand myself. What if I took this time to look in the mirror...ask some tough questions, find out what my ultimate goals are, find out how I can accomplish them and then completely hit "REBOOT". This is scary...This is vulnerable...This is a little dangerous. What if I did this process in the open...What if I allowed people to see how messed up I am. What if I allowed people to see my scars...what if I opened up the life of Kevin Pauls...LIVED out loud and offered that same chance to others...

I have always thought that I was an open book. I don't hide a lot. BUT - what if I took that to another level. What if all my fears, all my inner thoughts became known. Would people still want to know me? Would people ignore me...or even worse, get rid of me?? What if my theology isn't all tied up in a bow like theirs? What if I think differently? What if my thoughts around politics are not like yours or yours or yours? Will that exclude me from your conversations - even worse...would that exclude me from your acceptance??

What if I am not the only one that has felt...that is feeling, that is living with this reality? What if it is time to talk about the TRUE MUSINGS inside of you? What if this "coming out" is not a bad thing...but an open invitation to be seen...and heard...and still LOVED! ***SPOILER ALERT*** I have not lost my faith...I am not seeking to destroy the fabric of our free society...I AM SIMPLY WANTING TO BE HONEST!! That alone can be disturbing. I do have some questions. I do have some fears. I do think differently than a lot of my evangelical friends. I have evolved over the last 15 years...I do not see the world the same as I did. I do not think of my faith the same way as I did. I do not see the church the same way as I did. I do not see the many things the same...AND i think there are a lot of people that feel this very same way.

So - i am in the middle of a REBOOT...What will Kevin Pauls look like in a few months...What things will I be involved with...What stories will I be telling...what songs will I be singing...

PLEASE stay tuned to find fact - we might find out together!!

Kevin Pauls

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Have you ever found yourself in the position of "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO?" During this quarantine, as the landscape of our society changes, my potential for touring and doing concerts and events has STOPPED! I am looking at the process of reBranding myself, figuring out how to do things differently. In the midst of that process...there are many times when it looks like it will never work! I have days of complete and utter frustration..."I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!!!"

I know that my industry is not the only one forced to completely rethink how they move forward. I know this time has created anxiety for the future of a LOT of industries. SO, I can't be alone in this. I am not the only one who feels as though I had no idea what the future will look like!!! So...NOW WHAT?

I want to make sure that I keep things in perspective. I am healthy...I have a wife that loves me (most days! LOL), kids that still want to hang out with their parents, grandkids that love their Papa...SO...the basics are good! The foundational elements of my life are in good working order. THAT MATTERS! I still have hope for the future...I still have plans and things I am working on...I still have dreams for what's next...but..."I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO!"

Will the plans I have create enough revenue to pay my bills?
Will the ideas I have come to fruition...and will they have revenue attached to them?
Will I be able to pull off the ideas I have?
Do I have what it takes to make this work?
This dream is too big for me!
I don't know if this will work...and if it doesn't - THAN WHAT????

Most days I wake up ready to go after the I woke up wondering if I have what it takes...if I can make things work...Will I screw this up...again!??

Self doubt, woe is me, pity party...yeah, all the things that will NOT help...flood my mind. Today will pass...I know I'm not alone...but it sure feels like it sometimes. The overwhelming thought that I will not be able to pull this off, hits me every once in a while! I have tried things in the past and they did not pan out well. I have let a whole bunch of people down in the past. I have lost a bunch of money...and other peoples money - going for what I thought was a great"I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO".

Tomorrow I might not think this fact, by the end of the day my perspective may change...or I could feel this way for a few days...IT'S MY CHOICE!!! I cannot allow past results to dictate my future. I have a choice. It's an easy choice...I want to choose to be have what it finally make things work...BUT my past wants to step out in the middle of the road and say...You can't make this happen! You don't have what it takes...

Well..I may not have what it takes. I may not make things work the way I want them to.

I don't want to end there. I always want to be able to spin this into an encouraging post to give you HOPE! That would not be real...That would not reflect my mindset at this moment...

I will leave it here for today. I will allow myself to feel this, and work through it. This is my reality today. I simply do not know what to do. So, as my beautiful wife taught me - when you don't know what to do the next thing you know to do! are my steps to work through this today (I am preaching to me!!)

1. Pray & Meditate
2. Connect with God
3. Allow my "gut" to speak to me
4. Ask for wisdom & guidance
5. Make no decisions today.

That's all I have today...

Be well...


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Conspiracy & Jesus - My take...

I see a lot of people focusing a great deal of energy on "conspiracy theories"! A lot of people are addicted to social media and the drama surrounding this "so-called" conspiracy. It makes for good can create drama and excitement during your boredom. it helpful? Even if the theories are it helpful??

I am focused on one group of people...Those of you that claim to follow Jesus! Please know that the opinions expressed are mine. I am simply working this out in my own life, and since I claim to be a follower of Jesus...i am asking this question for myself as well.

What is my goal during this pandemic? As a follower of the ways of Jesus, what should my focus be? The constitution of our country? The financial well being of our nation? The front-line workers? The news and media outlets? Should I get caught up in the drama of "GET BACK TO WORK" or "This is a HOAX" or "It's not as bad as they say" or "The world will never be the same"...and the list of bombastic statements continue...

What is the posture I want to take? What is helpful? What is the best way I can represent Christ in crisis? Pandering to the extreme right or left politically doesn't seem to be very helpful. Spreading fear and anxiety doesn't appear to be the right solution. Pretending it's not really that bad - that doesn't feel right what't left to do?

Here is where I choose to land.
1. I will not try to be a doctor or pretend I know anything about this pandemic from a medical perspective.
2. I will calmly abide by the ruling of those who seem to know far more than I do.
3. I choose to attempt to bring life and hope to a dark situation with positive comments & hopeful statements
4. I want to find those that need a boost emotionally or spiritually and give them that boost.
5. I want to take this time to reBrand me and all that I do...professionally, personally and spiritually.
6. I want to remove the things from my life that are not life giving!
7. I want to reFocus on the things in my life that bring JOY, HOPE, GRACE & FORGIVENESS.
8. I want to think before I act - with mercy, kindness and love.
9. I need to take seriously the time we have and find out ways to make others more important than me.
10. I need to remember in all things - that I represent Jesus Christ. IF i choose to follow Him and IF I choose to tell people I follow Him...than I need to start acting like it!!

Rant is officially over (for today!


Friday, May 8, 2020

Trust - a prayer for today!

This was my prayer this morning...

Today God…I first want to acknowledge your provision. I really feel awkward when people say “God is in Control” - that leads me to believe you are in control of this chaos. I believe you are in ULTIMATE control, but that does not mean “micro managing” the world or our lives. In simple terms…I do not think you caused this or any other tragedy…but I firmly believe you are in this with me!!! Standing, holding, encouraging…loving me through this entire episode.

I never want to pretend I KNOW things that are un-know-able! We have a book full of stories about God and the interaction between the Jewish People and Yahweh. We have letters and encounters about the life of Jesus, we have first hand accounts of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have life lessons and we have the the words of Jesus…and so much more that point us to knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world…Somehow Jesus is the DIVINE, and was human enough to understand our plight and DIVINE enough to save us! I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL…However this understanding guides my life and guides everything I do! HOWEVER this beautiful book we call The Bible does not clearly allow us to understand all the inner workings of the world and how God interacts with His creation…SO…I say all that to simply tell you I do not know exactly how God works…BUT I AM CONFIDENT HE DOES!!!

That confidence allows me to have hope for the future. That confidence allows me to have peace in the midst of the storm. I do not need to know the inner workings of the universe because I know the one who is charge and I trust HIM!!

Today, I simply rest in that trust!