Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wendy is OK!!!

Wendy is OK!!!!

I want to thank everyone for their kind words and prayers…A lot of you knew that Wendy left for Haiti yesterday morning. The only thing that you did not know was that she had an overnight layover in Ft. Lauderdale!! WOW – I have never been so glad to know that she had a long layover!! She would have been landing right at the time of the devastation if the flight had of been direct…

Your thoughts and prayers and kind words meant so much! Just the fact that you cared enough to get in touch and find out what was happening was so great!

Wendy is fine!! We will know this morning if the airline can continue to Haiti or if they need to turn around and come home…I have a feeling the team wants to go and help…don’t know if that is possible. I will keep you all informed here as well as on twitter and facebook!!

Thanks so much!!


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