Friday, March 20, 2009

Why do I feel this way?

Today the sun is shining and the spring air is warming up and somehow I cannot get motivated. WHY? I slept horrible. My wife and oldest daughter are away until tonight, my middle daughter was at a friends house last night so it was just my son and me...chillin watching a movie. He went off to bed, I fell asleep...woke up early and could not only not get motivated, but I felt a real desire for "nothing"!!

I hate the days that this is my reality. So many things to do, so much before me, excited about what is before me and yet...every once in a have those days that you feel like you have cement in your shoes. The world seems overwhelming...not in a depressing sort of a way...but i would not mind if I could just sit under the covers and listen to music and eat chicken wings...and not feel guilty!!

These days are few a far between but when they come, I want to give myself permission to just chill...but instead, I sit around, pretend to get work done, accomplish nothing...don't feel better and then wonder why I did not just go and have fun!!

It is days like this, when I think there is nothing wrong with saying...I will do nothing of significance today so I give myself permission to have a FUNDAY!!!

SO - I am walking away from my computer and I am taking my son on the road and having an adventure today!!

WHY NOT! I wont fire myself...this work will be here tonight, Saturday, next week...LIFE IS TOO SHORT!

TODAY - permission granted...SEE YA!




I soooooo should have read this yesterday. It might have made the difference in my day.


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