Well, does the fact that it is raining bother me more than the fact that it is Monday? I am not sure. I have weeks that start on a high...I feel like Monday is the best! THEN there are Monday's that feel heavy. I don't think it is the start of a week, or the fact that the weekend is over or just a Monday thing...I think it is a mindset. "A mindset you say...tell me more!" I am glad you asked...
I tend to me an optimistic person, however as I age and get more introspective I am finding out more and more about myself. My bad habits, my poor self talk, my procrastination and my running from conflict and the list is longer but I will not bore you with the entire list!!
When I am in a good headspace, looking after things I need to, my "to-do" list is complete, my morning routine is healthy etc... Monday morning is a welcome event...and when I am putting things off, not looking after my "to-do" list and avoiding conflict...Monday's suck!
So, knowing that alone does not fix it. Seriously...how can I know that and still allow myself to end up in a bad headspace? It is a riddle I do not know how to solve. I am getting much better at it, but I still fall prey to bad habits...SO TODAY - I will not. TODAY - I will follow through on my "to-do" list and TODAY I will deal with what I need to deal with!
I am learning that my mornings can often dictate my headspace for the day. I am working on a morning routine that can actually be duplicated...day in and day out...
so, today was a good morning...Let's hope that continues!
I would love to hear your "life hacks" for Monday morning blues...How do you stay positive? How do you stay motivated? What moves you??
Talk to me...
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