Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inner and Outer = ?? Really??

Strange title...I know!! Here is the idea behind this...

My life over the last 5 years or so has been very frustrating...Spritually, Physically, Financially and Professionally. I have been trying to better myself and my family - doing a lot of the same things over and over and over and over...expecting things to finally fall into place and therefore gain a different result. I know that you dont do that...I understand that is the definition of insanity - BUT I never really equated that to what I was doing - I didn't think I was doing the same things, they always looked different.

I came to this conclusion a little while ago but never put it into practice...I fought the same demons in my life, seemed to battle the same things, frustrated by the same things...always in a financial bind...never having enough but always being so close to something big - looking and feeling like a loser! I was waffling and didn't really know what to do...

I use to always tell Wendy that I felt that my physical body was a representation of my relationship with God - hang on let me explain my theology!!

I really felt that when I neglected my body it effected my spiritual growth, my relationship with God and others were also effected negatively. When I keep my car clean, my room clean, the house clean, look after my family, work hard and stay in shape...ALL of those things feel like an outward representation of my relationship with God. My mind seems clearer, I seem to have the capacity to be a better person...

This last week has only started to skim the surface for me, but I have noticed that my level of patience is a bit better...my thoughts are clearer...I feel an inner growth because I am starting to care about the outer again! Does this make sense??

I know this is really "out there" thinking but I do feel that there is a corelation between looking after the "temple" and the health of my relationship with God!

Maybe it is just that I am allowing God to speak to me as I run...as I empty myself of the "toxins" I am able to fill it with HIS presence. Maybe all of this is teaching me to take control of the "flesh" and anytime you do that you allow God to speak to you...

ANYWAY - I don't always explain myself very well, but I know that the more I look after the outer person, the better my inner person becomes and my relationship with God is allowed to grow!

So - here's to a sub-4 HOUR Marathon and a better INNER Kevin Pauls!!!


1 comment:

Gary Sheppard said...

Hi Kevin, I really enjoy reading your thoughts on inner and outer. I agree that it is very difficult on times to follow through consistently and take care of the outer. Thank you for being open and honest about your relationships, from God to your family. The Christian walk has been very difficult for me there so many days that I just don't know how I'm going to get through but somehow with God's help I do. It is so encouraging for me when I see people like yourself being real and open. Again, thank you.