Friday, February 13, 2009 Winnipeg

Yes it is true...I will be spending Valentines weekend away from my beautiful wife Wendy.:(

I was not overly pleased but that is not always my choice - you go when the work is there. So - we are going to go out in a few minutes for a nice lunch together! I can honestly tell you that being away on Valentines is not nearly the problem I would have thought. I am so blessed to have a great wife and a really good relationship, so everyday feels like Valentines!! I know that sounds sappy and is not! I live with 3 incredible kids, my wife and I love each other and all the other stuff is put in perspective and LIFE IS GOOD! I am blessed!

Well, it is 11:22...i am going to get ready, pack and head off to Winnipeg, but first...lunch with my bride!

I hope that you have a special someone that you get to spend some time with this weekend!

By the way...a quick note: There will be a small spring/summer tour that will happen in Canada...Marshall Hall (formerly of the Gaither Vocal Band) Charlotte Ritchie (formerly of Jeff & Sherri Easter) and Kevin Pauls (ME!) will be doing a few dates across Canada. We are speaking to churches and promoters right now...stay tuned!

Have a great Valentines weekend...


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