Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Page!

2014 brings the turning of a page...new life and new beginnings...yet so many things remain the same!

Do you ever feel like that?  Maybe it's just me...

I am always excited about the new year...September brings the same feelings of newness for me.  These times make you think of turning the page...clean slate etc... The only problem is this, the page seems to be new or at least blank, but the pressure of the last page has made it's way onto the "new page".  The pen seems to inevitably wind up going down the same lines as the last page...The pressure from the last page seems to not allow us to carve new paths.

I find that this year, I am trying to turn about three or four pages deep to find a page that the pressure has not already made it's mark.  Not easy...i am finding that I need to go deeper!!

I really need this year to be different.  I really need to go deep and find that page that is not already mapped out by last years pressure.  I am finding the right people to partner with, trying to stick to the things I am good at.  Trying to find a new way to do things, if I want a new result!!

This year will see a bunch of FIRSTS!  New CD, new emphasis on songwriting, new focus on mentoring and working with artists, new tours, new partnerships, Europe and Africa this year!!

The challenge will be to make sure that I have gone deep enough...that this NEW page is just that...a new page!

Here's to new beginnings...AGAIN!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one of my favourite things about our friendship is that even in the legacy of decades, we give each other space to re:new. happy new year. happy near you.
