Thursday, September 1, 2022

Is September the NEW January?

"This is my new single...releasing soon!" 

 I find that mentally, at least for me, that September is more of a "reset" than January. Perhaps it's my programming. School always started in September, people start back to work on a more frequent basis, holidays are "OVER" and we start talking about Fall, Thanksgiving and yes...Christmas! This year I am feeling rather I need a new start. The more i take stock in my mental "situation" the more I realize that COVID did have more of an effect on me than I would like to admit... I got sloppy in some areas of my life. I lost focus. I didn't start out that way...COVID brought some wonderful clarity at the beginning...tuning into that part my psychy that said "I will not fall prey to this virus!". I remained postive and motivated...yada yada yada... However, as we are clearly on the other side of this (some would disagree I know - but for the most is behind us) I am now finding myself in a bit of a funk... I need to get back to a routine, back to a mindset of "go gettem" - you know...that kind of thing! I have such wonderful things happening. My music has opportunities that I did not see coming. New music, new tours, new connections...SO GOOD! I am in the early stages of starting my mortgage business and I am excited about that. However, I feel as though I am still scattered. I am realizing that I have managed to create some very bad habits during COVID. Habits that were easily justified because there was a pandemic. But, I need to hit the reset button. SO...I don't know if you are feeling the same. I am going to use September as my "reset". I am doing some serious soul searching. I need to build some new habits, bring back some old habits that really worked for me and stay FOCUSED!! I need to dig down into the minutiae of my daily routines and find the things that stir creativity, things that allow me to ignite that which I am passionate about...and also remove distractions and things that drain my energy! I don't need to eliminate all things that cause me anxiety - like "book work" - some of those things are necessary to growth and to reaching your goals. However, if I am not focusing on the things that bring me life...I am doing it wrong! That is my goal for September...rebuild my daily routines and build a life that allows me to be the best version of that I can be the best "husband", "Father" and "Papa" and friend... Here is to September!

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