Monday, September 26, 2022

is blogging really a therapeutic exercise?

 Good may not be morning when you read this but it's morning when I am writing this.  So...I am not crazy! LOL

Is this "writing a blog" for the reader or is it simply a way for me to feel better about myself, or work out some crazy emotional damage?  I often wonder what it is about this process that is supposed to be therapeutic?

I am sitting in my office and I am by myself...and I am literally thinking out loud (on my computer).  I have not pre-planned the fact I never do, i simply start typing and whatever is in my head comes out.

This morning the idea of it for me or is it for others...maybe both?  I do know that this process is actually intellectually stimulating.  It causes me to think.  It causes me to articulate and "back-up" my thoughts.  Is what I am thinking a good idea that needs to be fleshed out or is this simply the morning rambling of a under-coffee'd man!?!?!  Valid question!

This was my thinking this morning.  Sitting at my desk and trying to figure out how to be better.  How to be a better man.  How to be a better husband.  How to be a better performer.  How to be a better follower of Jesus.  The thought of blogging then hit see my morning routine, which is often not a solid routine, is important... let me say this another way...

If I want to be a better, all the things I said above...I feel that my morning routine is vital to becoming those things.  So blogging is one of those routine items that I feel is so important...AND YET I DO IT SO SELDOM (should it be seldomly?  I am no grammar person!!)

So, in thinking this through, i put my random thoughts together for me...which then gets read by you and hopefully sparks some thoughts that are beneficial. I hope it works like that.

I will try and continue this at a more consistent pace for me.  I hope that my random thoughts will resonate with you and simply allow you to know that someone else feels the same way... or at least thinks... LOL!

I am still working with this wonderful lady in Nashville and attempting to finish my book.  I know that this blogging journey helps me write - so...if nothing else, it will help my journey.

I would love to know your morning routines...what makes you feel like you are starting off better?

Talk to me...

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